Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mamnuts 1.8.0 is out!

Some hours ago I wrote this:

It's allways fun to read to other talker's codes: not other code bases, but, knowing a particular codebase, knowing which changes were made in more than ten years of existence of a talker. Of course that, for each code change, a design flaw is being found: talker bases shouldn't be made to be hacked around but to allow enough customization to avoid it. Yesterday night I spent lot's of time reading a quite old talkers code, and there was really some funny stuff there... And lot's of ideas of stuff to implement in Mamnuts. But everything in time... Another thing I am playing with is with trying to compile sanely Mamnuts on Solaris 9, with GNU Make and GNU gcc. I just had to change the Makefile to gcc instead of cc, and follow the comments to uncomment two Solaris lines and commenting the two others. Easy and documented well enough, even if I think we should use automake and autoconf in the future... And, voilá, it compiles, even if spitting lot's of Warnings (I'll have to fix that...). Since the whole thing is being compiled using -Wall, the number of Warnings wasn't that scary, so I tried to compile it without -Wall, to see if there were any really important Warnings to take care of. As expected, no Warnings. So, let's see what we can do to fix those others... For now, I just can bet that I'll use this as an excuse to purge MANDNS from Mamnuts... This code, despite having better performance in BSD systems, isn't that well written (as we can see with the use of isspace()), and uses popen, which is a blocking call.

And now, before posting it, I just have a further addo: Mamnuts 1.8.0 is out!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mamnuts 1.7 released

Mamnuts 1.7 has been released, and can be downloaded here.

Fixed a bug on user descriptions.


--- Concept:

Following the directions that can be read at http://mindboosternoori.blogspot.com/2005/11/building-talker.html , the idea os MAMNUTS is to provide a secure an stable code base until AmNUTS 2.3.0 is done.

--- Towards full security and stability:

Remove smail related code: .smail .rmail and such commands AND everything that sends or uses it's code.

Implement a SpamGuard system. Better yet, if time lets me do it, implement something like Uzume suggests here.

Fix #36: Revert "multi-line paste" changes. It will reduce usability but fix a security issue.

Fix the charset issues with non-ASCII chr()'s. This mean implementing a proper telnet support, or, at least, filter those characters aund bind thrm to static printouts.
This will be (hopefully) a bug-free talker base.

--- Improoving functionality:

The 'AFK' function (including command, calls, presentation et all) should be renamed 'BUSY'.

Implementation of an SSLPORT, similar to WIZPORT but that provides the possibility of telnet-ssl connections.

Modularize all ports, to MAINPORT (to be renamed to TELPORT), WIZPORT (renamed to TWIZPORT) and SSLPORT can be included or not. That will give more configurability (for instance, set up a talker that only allows telnet-ssl connections).

Major clean-up of the code and documentation effort.

Re-implement a messaging system to replace the 'smail' functions. Implement it to mails, news, suggestions and virtualy everything that uses the actual EDITOR calls.